
Thursday, June 6, 2013


My motto is: "It is easy to tell the truth."

    I find honesty a simple task. Personally, not only do I believe lying requires more energy and induces more stress than telling the truth, but it takes a less than brave person to lie. I have deduced that a feeling of inferiority, and fear plays serious, subliminal roles in one’s decision to be untruthful.
    It may be a fear of reject. For example, a male will fabricate a story of wealth, success or accomplishment to his peers, whom my actually be wealthy and successful, out of a feeling of inferiority, and a fear of being shunned if he told the truth about his realistic modest means and station in life. The same male would fabricate the exact story to the appealing female he sees driving a car nicer than his own.
    In these scenarios, which equally apply to females as well, the male equates his self-worth with status and material possessions. Being in the presence of those with more material wealth or a higher status creates a sense of inferiority within his mind. In an attempt to belay this feeling of inferiority, he lies.
    Personally, I could never be this male. I do not practice idol worship of any form, whether it money, cars, or entertainers. Not only do I feel lying is for the weak hearted, but being honest in a world full of liars makes a person unique, which was the Divine Plan for us all

James Scott     June 6, 2013

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